Psychometric Assessments Tools
Career Life Transitions are accredited practitioners of a range of assessment tools designed to help individuals, teams and organisations.

Personality and Psychological
PRINT® the insight tool that not only explains behaviours, it reveals the root cause of WHY people do what they do. Career Life Transitions recommends the use of PRINT® in both individual coaching packages and as part of our extensive Leadership & Team Development programs.
Revolutionising the way people work together
- Increase productivity
- Team success
- High performance leadership
- Building change capability
You have two categories of Unconscious Motivators® that drive your actions – a Major and Minor Unconscious Motivator®. These motivations (of a possible 72 combinations) provide the foundation for WHY you do what you do, say what you say, and think what you think.
The PRINT® Survey is designed to uncover your two Unconscious Motivators®.
Unconscious Motivators® are not preferences, strengths, biases, talents, likes or dislikes. Instead, they are your deep motivations, working on an unconscious level.
The PRINT® Survey also reveals your unique set of Best Self (positive and productive) and potential Shadow (negative, unproductive and automatic) behaviours which are the direct results of your Unconscious Motivators® at work.
Your Unconscious Motivators®, your Best Self behaviours and your potential Shadow traits are collectively known as your PRINT®.
- For more information on how Career Life Transitions can use the PRINT® to develop your leaders and professionals please contact us.
- More specific information about the tool can be found via the PRINT® website.
GLWS solutions are uniquely positioned at the intersection of employee wellbeing and leadership development and can be deployed to solve for a wide variety of employer pain points, addressing many of the unmet needs and opportunities being identified by organisations.
Their tools are used to drive mental health and wellbeing initiatives for leaders and employees across the whole of the mental health and wellbeing continuum.
Whether it’s about identifying those who are already thriving and how to help them sustain and role-model their approaches to flourishing over the longer term, or to assess the other 80% of the employee population who will be experiencing slight, moderate or severe mental health risks or wellbeing redflags, our wellbeing assessment and development resources are suitable for use across a variety of executive coaching, leadership development and learning programs; targeted talent engagement and retention initiatives; diversity and inclusion priorities; team building and team development approaches and; various industry and professional membership benefit programs.
How does GLWS™ Survey work?
The GLWS survey has 126 questions which target what we know matters most to leaders and professionals in the world of work, to comprehensively assess their wellbeing.
The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete online and comprises two broad sections – Working Well (professional life) and Living Well (home, social and personal life).
These two sections and the detailed questions contained within have been carefully designed to capture the essence of a leader’s physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing across six wellbeing domains, as represented in the GLWS Framework below.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®)
The MBTI® is a self-report questionnaire designed to indicate personality and psychological preferences concerning how people perceive the world and make decisions. Career Life Transitions uses the MBTI in leadership programs, performance coaching and team interventions to help individuals increase self-awareness, break down perceptions of different personality types and identify opportunities to work with similar and different personality types to create high performance.
- For more information on how Career Life Transitions can use the MBTI to improve individual and team performance in your organisation, please contact us.
Dominance, Influence, Steadiness & Conscientiousness DiSC®
The DiSC profile, published by Wiley, is a non-judgmental tool used for discussion of people’s behavioral differences. If you participate in a DiSC program, you’ll be asked to complete a series of questions that produce a detailed report about your personality and behavior. You’ll also receive tips related to working with people of other styles.
The DiSC® model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors with others — within a work team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships.
DiSC profiles help you and your team:
- Increase your self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress, and how you solve problems
- Improve working relationships by recognizing the communication needs of team members
- Facilitate better teamwork and teach productive conflict
- Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles
- Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members
- For more information on how Career Life Transitions can use the DiSC to improve individual and team relationships in your organisation, please contact us.

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) describes normal, or bright-side personality – qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Whether your goal is to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, assessing normal personality gives you valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.
- For more information on how Career Life Transitions can use the Hogan Assessment to find the right hire or develop your leaders please contact us.
- More specific information about the tool can be found via the Hogan website.
360 Degree
Life Styles Inventory™ or LSI
The LSI provides an individual with insight into their thinking styles and how their behaviours are perceived by others. By enhancing their self-awareness around the behaviours that are supporting or hindering their personal effectiveness, the individual is able to enhance their leadership capabilities and impact on others. Career Life Transitions recommends the use of LSI inventories in both individual coaching packages and as part of our extensive Leadership Development programs.
- For more information on how Career Life Transitions can use the LSI to develop your leaders and professionals please contact us.
- More specific information about the tool can be found via the Human Synergistics Website.
Organisational Culture Inventory® and Organisational Effectiveness Inventory® (OCI/OEI)
Optimal operating cultures are key to successful organisations. Career Life Transitions uses the OCI/OEI to assess operating cultures, identify agents for change and design optimisation programs and strategy to transform the culture of organisations. The Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI) provides a profile of an organisation’s operating culture in terms of the behaviours that members believe are required to “fit in and meet expectations” within their organisation. It measures “how things are done around here”. Using the Human Synergistics Circumplex, the OCI measures behavioural norms and expectations, be they constructive, passive/defensive or aggressive/defensive. The OCI is the most widely used and thoroughly researched tool for measuring organisational culture in the world.
Designed to complement the Organisational Culture Inventory®, the Organisational Effectiveness Inventory™ (OEI) provides additional rigour into the measurement of organisational factors. Together the OCI and the OEI provide a complete picture of the case for change and the levers for change. With the OCI measuring preferred and actual operating culture, and the OEI measuring organisational practices and outcomes, clear strategies emerge for managing improvement.
- For more information on how Career Life Transitions can use the OCI/OEI to transform your organisation please contact us.
- More specific information about the tool can be found via the Human Synergistics Website.
What is Squadify?
Making Teamwork Work
Squadify is a refreshingly simple, data-driven approach to accelerating teams in a complex world. To achieve this for you and your teams, come with us and we’ll guide you through three stages: connect, evolve and thrive.
Many ‘teams’ are not actually teams at all but just groups of people working in parallel. Squadify can identify this and provide the foundational elements of a shared goal and high levels of interdependency to make a real team. Real teams have been shown to deliver up to 20% better results than groups of individuals.
Squadify builds team effectiveness through a data-driven approach. Data from the team drives targeted action, coaching and development.
Teams that use Squadify over the long term are self-driven and continuously improving. They are safe, agile and high-performing units that provide a sense of belonging and achievement to their members and reliable performance to their organisations.
Dr Susan Roberts says: