Our Approach
Career Life Transitions believe leaders and managers are made, not born. Some people have inherent and natural people skills, but for the majority of people this is not a given. And yet, when organisations promote their people, especially from technical areas into management, they assume people skills are either already acquired or will develop naturally – this is rarely the case. Many a career has been derailed by an inability to manage the complexity of people or by reporting to a leader who does not have management or leadership skills.
Authentic Leadership is all about a high level of self-knowledge and awareness. It’s hard to gain this understanding in a class room, reading or online. We believe one on one coaching is the fastest and most effective way to develop self-knowledge and awareness for authentic leadership. Support and understanding are required as an individual tests themselves and their, sometimes, long held beliefs about themselves and the world around them.
Career Life Transitions is about supporting managers transform themselves into authentic leaders, a sometimes tough journey of self-discovery and of testing personal and social assumptions. Career Life Transitions are coaching professionals with a proven track record of developing sustainable management and leadership skills in people .
We assist individuals from a range of industries, skill levels and management positions, develop themselves into better people and leaders. Our approach is flexible and based on several models that best suit the situation.

Our Process
There are many reasons organisations choose coaching, we believe these reasons lead to one core need:-
To facilitate growth or change in an individual’s behaviours to develop positive, long-term measurable changes where successful business and/or personal outcomes, or objectives are achieved or achievable.
The engagement modes for coaching may include:
Developing further skills (for current role)
Targeted corrections
Preparing for promotion
Adjusting and refocusing behaviour that may be having a discouraging effect on the team or business
Developing transferable skills
Focusing on interpersonal skills
Reinforcing an employee in their role
Supporting an employee to decide next steps
Reward for services rendered
The coach is external from the sponsoring business to provide the best outcomes via objective and unbiased viewpoints.
The Four Phases of Coaching – our recommended timeline

Recommended Models
Career Life Transitions use several models and tools to support coaching. We tailor our approach to the needs of the coachee ensuring they also align with the desired outcomes of the organisation. Some coaching models we use:
GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward)
Egan Self Helper Model
Neurosciences model
Situational Leadership Model (Blanchard)
The tools used by our coaches vary depending on the assistance the coachee needs to help them move to the next stage. Our assessment model, used at the
commencement of coaching include, but are not limited to:
Once coaching has commenced, more targeted models across a full spectrum of business, learning, behavioural sciences, psychology, leadership, personal
development and mental models are used.

Dr Susan Roberts says: