At Career Life Transitions we are constantly in conversation with people searching for work and people searching for people who want work.  Of late there are a number of interesting trends we’ve noticed and one is the change in the nature of the working structure.

Baby boomers are now moving into retirement and while they had their rebellion early, their careers were based on hard work in a structured and predictable work environment with expectations of support from their employer to see them through their career to retirement.

As the following generations come through,

each demographic sees and interprets the world differently,

and that is fundamentally changing the way they are willing to work. 


Younger generations are not as interested in the solid structure that older generations craved, as it’s all too slow and mundane for them. Plus, they have a healthy level of entitlement, with most having never had to face any real pain or suffering (living through depressions, war etc). 


But the employees are not the only ones who have a say in the work environment, employers are also facing major challenges and opportunities and are keen to adapt to enable continued growth.


So where is it all heading?


A combination of breaking free of structure and hierarchy – which the new workforce doesn’t want – and a need for employers to reduce costs and remain competitive has created a job market which is looking for flexible people, who may even have several jobs, doing specific work, enabling the employer to reduce costs and flexibility in employment arrangements as well. 


Where they work,

how they work,

their values

and a focus on what’s important

is creating a new dynamic.


So as an employer, have you taken the time to consider what the new work environment expectations are for the best people coming through the ranks?

As an employee, are you expecting to move into a work environment that does not actually exist anymore?


An adjustment in thinking may be required from both parties to optimise productivity moving forward.


Career Life Transitions has extensive experience in skills assessment, leadership development, organisational restructures and organisational cultural assessment and development. For further information, how we can help transform your business and it’s people, please contact us.