Moving to the Top: Navigating the Path from CFO to CEO

    By |2024-10-02T06:39:53+00:00October 2nd, 2024|Categories: Job Search, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development|

    In today’s corporate landscape, many ambitious CFOs find themselves aspiring to ascend to the coveted role of CEO. Transitioning from a role deeply rooted in finance to one requiring a holistic company-wide focus involves more than just a shift in responsibilities; it requires a fundamental change in mindset and skills. Recently, I had the opportunity [...]

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      What Are The 5 Essential Topics To Research Before Your Next Job Interview

      By |2024-08-29T04:45:13+00:00August 29th, 2024|Categories: Ahead of the Curve, Company, Job Search, Professional Development|

      We always say that there are 3 main things an interviewer is looking for during an interview: Can you do the job? Can you do the job here? Do I like you? All the research shows that there is zero correlation between how someone performs in an interview and their success in the role, you [...]

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        7 Tips For Investigating Your Future Boss

        By |2024-08-29T04:45:14+00:00August 28th, 2024|Categories: Coaching, Company, Job Search, Mental Wellbeing, Personal Development, Professional Development|

        Who you will be reporting to makes a huge difference to the next stage of your career.  We all spend a significant time at work and the biggest impact on our psychological and mental health will be your boss and colleagues.  The saying goes, ‘People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their boss’.  We have [...]

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          Why Looking for a Job is the Worst ‘Job’

          By |2023-11-16T06:25:21+00:00November 16th, 2023|Categories: Job Search, Personal Development, Professional Development|

          Seeking a new job often feels like embarking on a treacherous and never-ending quest, laden with unique challenges, frustrations, and uncertainties. The phrase 'looking for a job is the worst job' might sound pessimistic, but it accurately captures the stress and strain universally experienced by job seekers, regardless of their life stage or career experience. [...]

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            Changing Careers? Here’s The 7 Things You Need To Consider

            By |2023-06-22T02:54:51+00:00June 22nd, 2023|Categories: Job Search, Personal Branding, Personal Development, Professional Development, Uncategorized|

            In my mid 30’s, I decided to make a significant career change, completely changing direction, almost starting again from the bottom in a new industry. It was an exhilarating but challenging decision. Whether you're feeling unfulfilled in your current profession or seeking new opportunities, making a successful transition requires careful consideration and planning. Switching careers can [...]

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              Are you running away from or towards?

              By |2022-06-09T05:21:45+00:00June 9th, 2022|Categories: Job Search, Personal Development, Professional Development|

              I was speaking to a candidate the other day and listening to the story as to why they’d like to change jobs.   Their story went something like this: “the culture has changed somewhat, and my new boss has a style of working that just doesn’t sit right with me, our values seem to be [...]

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                Having A ‘Career’

                By |2022-06-09T04:53:24+00:00June 9th, 2022|Categories: Job Search, Mental Wellbeing, Personal Development|

                What do you want to be and why?   What do you want to be when you grow up?  The universal question we were all asked or have asked ourselves.   I think it all comes down to SIX things: Time Focus Fit (personality, values, behaviour) Opportunity Passion Goals We are all unique in some [...]

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                  Combatting the 9 Common Mistakes Executives make when planning their next step

                  By |2021-08-17T06:24:06+00:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: Job Search, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development|

                  Executives are continually looking for personal and career growth, looking for the next opportunity.  However sometimes their vast experience, knowledge or past roles can actually get in the way of successfully transitioning to their next role.   Here are some of the common mistakes executives can avoid to ensure they continue to grow and develop in [...]

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                    Your Resume is not enough

                    By |2021-05-11T05:41:52+00:00August 11th, 2020|Categories: Job Search, Personal Branding, Social Media|

                    Yes, Yes, Yes, we are always talking about how important your resume is; and it is, but your career is so much more than that.  A great resume (and more importantly the thinking behind a great resume) is essential and the cornerstone of your next career move, but on its own its not going to [...]

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                      Managing my own career

                      By |2021-05-11T05:41:54+00:00August 11th, 2020|Categories: Job Search, Personal Branding, Personal Development, Virtual Branding|

                      Many times, I am asked ‘what are the key things I can do to take control of my own career’?  It is an interesting question and like anything there are several view on it.  I like to look at things from two points of view, technical and behavioural. Technically the things you can do to [...]

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