10 Things every CEO needs to know about transformation.

By |2021-05-11T05:45:09+00:00July 16th, 2020|Categories: Change Management, Company, Professional Development, Transformation|

The term ‘Change Management’ has now pretty much been relegated to describe the activities that surround progress change and system upgrades in organisations.  Essential, but in this fast past world, nowhere near enough to keep an organisation ahead of the game.  Management Gurus like Peter Drucker, Charles Handy and Peter Senge have been advocating for [...]

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Where do we develop our people?

By |2021-05-11T05:46:25+00:00July 16th, 2020|Categories: Company, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Traditionally there are three areas we are developing our staff in, these are: To develop their skills to do their current job better, more efficiently (Training and Development) To develop their skills for the next job they could move into (Succession planning) Remedial training to bring them up to speed in their current role (performance [...]

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Digital Disruption – impacts on leadership, organisational culture and people.

By |2021-05-11T05:48:01+00:00July 16th, 2020|Categories: Ahead of the Curve, Change Management, Company, Personal Development, Professional Development|

The network revolution is here!  No ifs, no buts, no choice. If you’re in HR, you are going to be impacted, BIG TIME.   How? 70% of roles currently done by your workforce won’t exist in 5 to 10 years' time. 70% of your workforce will be doing jobs in 5 to 10 years' time [...]

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Career Life Mastery: Secrets to Thrive in Times of Change

By |2021-05-11T05:58:37+00:00July 14th, 2020|Categories: Ahead of the Curve, Career Life Mastery, Change Management, Coaching, Company, Job Search, Leadership, Mental Wellbeing, Personal Development, Professional Development, Resilience, Transformation|

Ever notice how some people sail through life seemingly without a care and others get hooked or caught up on something along the way and appear to be stuck.  As Heraclitus said “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change” and some people have trouble accepting that fact.  If Heraclitus said this over 2,500 years ago, [...]

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Management Change = Positive Culture change ……. Well maybe?

By |2021-05-11T05:52:43+00:00June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Change Management, Company, Professional Development, Transformation|

Ask any Organisational Change person how long it takes to change the culture in an organisation, and they will tell you 2 to 3 years.   Why so long?   Well if you want to change the way people think, interact, respond and work, it is challenging, really very challenging. Getting your ducks in a [...]

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People Are More Than Just Replaceable Objects

By |2021-05-11T05:52:45+00:00June 11th, 2020|Categories: Company, Leadership, Personal Development|

  We, as humans are complex and unique, all holding a variety of skills, strengths, and weaknesses.  We are the sum of our learning, experiences, environment and competencies and we apply all that in a complex environment of work and social interactions.  We are much more than just the pure technical ability we bring to [...]

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Re-Aligning HR, Change and Leadership

By |2021-05-11T05:52:50+00:00June 8th, 2020|Categories: Change Management, Company, Leadership, Professional Development|

Peter James: Leadership and Management Summary:  As organisations grow, the level of complexity grows accordingly, and the division of tasks increases.  As this happens, don’t lose sight of the fact that some activities still need to sit across management as a whole -they should not be delegated or departmentalised wholesale as the organisation grows. Leadership [...]

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Leadership: Now Is The Time

By |2021-05-11T05:52:58+00:00March 24th, 2020|Categories: Company, Leadership, Professional Development, Resilience|

In these times of confusion, worry and stress, leadership counts.  How you react and behave when the pressure is on will give others insight on your leadership abilities.  Holding the title becomes irrelevant, people are looking for leadership action and language.  Around the world we are starting to see how our political ‘leaders’ are behaving [...]

The ESSENTIAL tips for handling workplace conflict: a staff manager’s guide

By |2021-05-11T05:53:06+00:00October 8th, 2019|Categories: Company, Leadership, Professional Development|

Handling conflict or tension arising from: words that should not have been said, faulty assumptions about why someone has behaved the way they have, disagreement about decisions made, differences in personality, beliefs and backgrounds, or ambiguity in role and direction is never easy, especially if you are a party in the conflict.  However, a conflict [...]

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A Fresh Approach to Change

By |2021-05-11T05:53:08+00:00August 29th, 2019|Categories: Change Management, Company, Facilitation|

Q & A with Eric Schwarz on the Change Diagnostic Index   What is the Change Diagnostic Index?   The Change Diagnostic Index© (CDI) identifies and measures behaviors, perceptions, and attitudes that emerge in a collection of individuals in response to a change initiative. The index provides a monitor of an organisation's ability to function effectively [...]

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