5 steps to taking charge when change is out of your control 

A highly competitive job market coupled with the rapidly changing economy and businesses currently operating in the VUCA  world; expectations are high and people are now more accountable to take charge of their own careers more than ever before.  People are looking for more than just a ‘role’, they are looking for careers that fulfil their desire, challenge them and satisfy their needs to belong in their workplace.  If this is coupled with flexible working arrangements and a healthy work-life balance, the outcome leads to personal satisfaction and a desire to stay motivated and driven to perform and evolve both personally & professionally.

Are you deliberating about your career? Have you lost your professional drive?

Senior consultant Jennifer Schuiling  often questions her clients

‘Are you driving your career by design or default?’

Maybe you should look at the reasons why this is occurring……

Sometimes, our personal experiences can cross over and affect our professional drive. There are many reasons why this occurs, for example, end of a marriage, the end of childrearing, challenges with our health, transitioning into retirement etc.  We may find ourselves at a crossroad where we can either choose to embrace and face and inspire us to change & evolve; or we may paralyse ourselves with fear.

Other times we may have ‘lost ourselves’ professionally due to a lack of satisfaction or frustration with our co-workers, a job that’s too stressful, a role that has limited career advancements or just a feeling of not fitting into the culture of the workplace.

So what can you do to stay challenged, motivated to perform and evolve….to thrive???

  • Awareness – become aware of your deep ingrained feelings & desires
  • Focus – express your needs and motivations
  • Surrender – to the things you can’t control or that no longer serve you
  • Vision – where do you visualise yourself in the next ….. years….months….??
  • Mindset – approach change as an opportunity to evolve


Overall, give yourself respect – don’t beat yourself up, acknowledge your accomplishments so far (and the potential to go beyond), recognise opportunities and contribute by expressing your opinion, participate in opportunities to stretch your being; join in hobbies and/or training that you are passionate about;

be dynamic = a sense of belonging

Evolution and change is inevitable, embrace opportunities to become the best version of you, and create amazing outcomes….. thrive ahead…..


“It is not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be.”
Sanhita Baruah