
Facilitation: How to be effective

Effective Facilitation Effective facilitation consists of inputs (actions) by one or more persons that help groups achieve their goals and maintain or improve their competencies to achieve their goals. A skilled facilitator can add an [...]

By |July 2nd, 2019|Categories: Company, Facilitation, Professional Development|Comments Off on Facilitation: How to be effective

Redundancy at 50. It’s not as bad as you think.

This year I turn 49. I’m doing work that I am really passionate about but still find myself having the inevitable thoughts that happen around every decade birthday. "Am I where I thought I would [...]

By |May 21st, 2019|Categories: Ageing Workforce, Job Search, Personal Branding, Resilience, Transformation|Comments Off on Redundancy at 50. It’s not as bad as you think.

Don’t Ignore Mentoring (Ask us how)

Whilst we do a lot of coaching for development at CLT, we also strongly recommend establishing a mentoring program within your business. There are some major differences between mentoring and coaching, and these differences make [...]

By |May 9th, 2019|Categories: Coaching, Personal Development, Professional Development|Comments Off on Don’t Ignore Mentoring (Ask us how)

Change – Welcome or unwelcome, any change comes with challenge

I was speaking to a good friend of mine the other day about the nature of change and she raised an interesting scenario.  When an employee in her organisation was put into a better position, [...]

By |May 9th, 2019|Categories: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development|Comments Off on Change – Welcome or unwelcome, any change comes with challenge

Leadership: Behaviour Vs Intention

Several years ago, I was chatting to Barry, my coach and mentor.  At the time, I was particularly aggrieved at the behaviours of one of my peers.  I complained that this person’s actions were clearly [...]

By |May 9th, 2019|Categories: Coaching, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development|Comments Off on Leadership: Behaviour Vs Intention

Is Middle Management Holding your Business Back?

Our coaching spans all levels of organisations and I was working with a ‘Middle Manager’ the other day and the question came up, what is middle management – what is the role? It’s an interesting [...]

By |March 28th, 2019|Categories: Coaching, Company, Leadership, Personal Development, Professional Development|Comments Off on Is Middle Management Holding your Business Back?

Restructure – Funeral or Celebration?

Have you found a need to restructure your organisation lately?  There’s a lot of it going on.  There are a number of reasons why you would undertake this daunting task but the two big one’s [...]

By |December 13th, 2018|Categories: Ahead of the Curve, Change Management, Professional Development, Transformation|Comments Off on Restructure – Funeral or Celebration?

5 Things to Consider Before Taking a Promotion

Have you been offered a promotion? Is it taking you out of your technical area into leadership management? ......not so fast..... Have you actually considered what this means and looks like?  You have fantastic technical [...]

By |November 19th, 2018|Categories: Company, Job Search, Leadership, Personal Development|Comments Off on 5 Things to Consider Before Taking a Promotion

Coaching Q&A

Career Life Transitions sat down with one of their senior coachee's to explore the reasons why and how they chose a coach, for their personal and professional development.  We interviewed Glen, a state manager for [...]

By |September 28th, 2018|Categories: Coaching, Personal Development, Professional Development, Transformation|Comments Off on Coaching Q&A

Why Use a Coach?

As a coach I’m aware that there are 4 key areas I‘m asked to assist people through: 1.       Coaching for individual behaviour 2.       Coaching for interactive behaviours 3.       Coaching to convert knowledge to action 4.       [...]

By |September 28th, 2018|Categories: Coaching, Personal Development, Professional Development, Transformation|Comments Off on Why Use a Coach?

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Feed Your Mind – Psychological Perceptions: Change your Mind Create new results in your organisation

Feed Your Mind How to Facilitate a Meeting for Optimum Outcomes with Peter James

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