
Career Self Mastery: Lessons from the Shihan

After over 40 years in the industry Peter James has had several careers including building a successful business, but what you may not know is that during this entire time he has also been a [...]

By |July 14th, 2020|Categories: Career Life Mastery, Mental Wellbeing, Personal Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Career Self Mastery: Lessons from the Shihan

Are you ready to be an entrepreneur?

Have you ever thought about being your own boss?   Many people have, there is a certain attraction to freeing yourself from the hierarchical and political pressures of an organisation and testing yourself and challenging your [...]

By |July 14th, 2020|Categories: Personal Branding, Personal Development, Professional Development, Transformation, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are you ready to be an entrepreneur?

Management Change = Positive Culture change ……. Well maybe?

Ask any Organisational Change person how long it takes to change the culture in an organisation, and they will tell you 2 to 3 years.   Why so long?   Well if you want to [...]

By |June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Change Management, Company, Professional Development, Transformation|Comments Off on Management Change = Positive Culture change ……. Well maybe?

People Are More Than Just Replaceable Objects

  We, as humans are complex and unique, all holding a variety of skills, strengths, and weaknesses.  We are the sum of our learning, experiences, environment and competencies and we apply all that in a [...]

By |June 11th, 2020|Categories: Company, Leadership, Personal Development|Comments Off on People Are More Than Just Replaceable Objects

Re-Aligning HR, Change and Leadership

Peter James: Leadership and Management Summary:  As organisations grow, the level of complexity grows accordingly, and the division of tasks increases.  As this happens, don’t lose sight of the fact that some activities still need [...]

By |June 8th, 2020|Categories: Change Management, Company, Leadership, Professional Development|Comments Off on Re-Aligning HR, Change and Leadership

Job hunting in a CO-VID 19 market

In the wake of the Coronavirus situation, there is a lot of fear and misinformation in the job market right now. I can understand why but it’s not constructive or helpful for those who are [...]

By |April 30th, 2020|Categories: Ahead of the Curve, Job Search, Personal Development, Resilience|Comments Off on Job hunting in a CO-VID 19 market

Resilient Leadership

There have been a lot of great leaders, who under the most demanding circumstances have shown amazing resilience.  From Martin Luther King, to Nelson Mandela, or Gandhi, their stories are well known.  But there are [...]

By |April 23rd, 2020|Categories: Leadership, Professional Development, Resilience|Comments Off on Resilient Leadership

Chaos and Order – can you live in the grey zone?

Executive Summary   Our consciousness is building a bridge between the chaos of the world and our interactions with it (the order we’ve created for ourselves). We do this through developing mental models and interpretive [...]

By |April 16th, 2020|Categories: Personal Development, Professional Development, Resilience|Comments Off on Chaos and Order – can you live in the grey zone?

Leadership: Now Is The Time

In these times of confusion, worry and stress, leadership counts.  How you react and behave when the pressure is on will give others insight on your leadership abilities.  Holding the title becomes irrelevant, people are [...]

By |March 24th, 2020|Categories: Company, Leadership, Professional Development, Resilience|1 Comment


After years of studying personal development, there’s one thing I know for sure: your mindset is everything. The way you think and how you view the world can impact how you experience life—whether you realize it [...]

By |March 9th, 2020|Categories: Mental Wellbeing, Personal Development|Comments Off on REFRAME YOUR LIFE WITH A POSITIVE SPIN BY CULTIVATING AN ABUNDANCE MENTALITY

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Feed Your Mind How to Facilitate a Meeting for Optimum Outcomes with Peter James

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