Changing Gears
Career Life Transitions Changing Gears workshops are really gathering momentum in WA, we have now put hundreds of people through the program and I’m being asked ‘what are the benefits to the employees and the [...]
Restructuring? Don’t do these 3 things.
Recently a friend of mine’s role was made redundant, in fact the whole project was shelved and she was given 2 week’s notice. My friend is very well versed in the ways of organisational [...]
5 Ways Organisations Can Systemically Develop Leadership
Everywhere we turn we hear organisations lamenting about leadership, it’s one of the most researched, written about, presented, and spoken about subject in the business world - globally. Where the role of the Manager [...]
Combatting the 9 Common Mistakes Executives make when planning their next step
Executives are continually looking for personal and career growth, looking for the next opportunity. However sometimes their vast experience, knowledge or past roles can actually get in the way of successfully transitioning to their next [...]
Outplacement: Why and When?
What are the factors I would consider when choosing to provide outplacement support for an individual and how much I should invest? Career Life Transitions have 12 things you might consider when you find [...]
There’s no manual, but …..
Every time we buy a new appliance or a piece of equipment, it comes with a manual. The more complex the gear, the more extensive the manual. Now days, not only do you have a [...]
The Ageing Workforce – a Wicked Problem
According to Wikipedia, “a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.” When we look at the [...]
Critical Conversations
Our every interaction with people starts with some form of communication. Although nonverbal communications make up the bulk of how people interpret our message, it is still accompanied by spoken words. When it comes [...]
Challenge Yourself
At 60, I decided to take on a personal challenge, 160 km over 8 days climbing and descending the equivalent of Mt Fuji. Yes, I took on a section of the Bibbulmun Track. [...]
Resilience, Mental Health and Personal Triggers
People are resilient, there is no doubt about that, look back in history and read about the struggles and suffering people have endured. So, the question is “given we are living in probably the most [...]
Dr Susan Roberts says: