Leadership Coaching: What are you going to do differently?
Career Life Transitions have been coaching people for personal, leadership and career development for many years, we call on a number of different methodologies, approaches and assessments to assist our clients better understand themselves, their [...]
Targeted Interventions Save Money
Trying to solve organisational issues with blanket initiatives and programs seems to have become the norm for a quick fix solution. Management is often looking for a silver bullet to reduce costs or increase productivity. [...]
Coaching for Success
Coaching is growing, and its growing at a great rate of knots. From a coach’s point of view, its easy to see why. Companies are so busy, managers have ever increasing demands (do more with [...]
5 Tips for Finding a Job in your 50’s
Are you over 50 and looking for work? I don’t know that people over 50 are anymore likely to lose their jobs than any other age group in the workforce, but the more immediate challenge [...]
Age Discrimination in Job Search
The age old question, am I being passively discriminated against because of my age? Well the answer is yes and no. For some people it will be an issue, for other people it isn’t. I [...]
Retaining & Retraining vs External Hiring
Did you know that roughly 75% of employers will choose an outside candidate over an internal candidate for a role? There's a plethora of research on this topic including its advantages and disadvantages. When there [...]
Accelerating Performance: Executive Coaching
There is nothing more disheartening than seeing a great leader with outstanding technical skills fail to develop their interpersonal skills and hence underperform in their overall leadership role. We see it frequently. It presents itself [...]
Personal Branding and Career Management – It’s all Virtual!
We are now well and truly living in a world where technology has helped facilitate a platform for our personal presence to be available across the globe. So it's now more imperative than ever to [...]
Six Predictions for Your Career in 2018
The last couple of years have been pretty tough from a career point of view, if you had a job, you tried to keep it, regardless of whether you truly liked it or not. For [...]
How To Get A New Career In the New Year – as Millions of Aussies Head Back to Work
If changing careers was one of your New Year’s resolutions, you’re not alone with a recent survey finding one in three Australian workers are looking for a new job. Career coach Peter James from Career [...]
Dr Susan Roberts says: