Conflict Resolution: Why should I take the first steps?
When conflict arises in almost any situation, people immediately head to their corners and start to build the fortifications. Then when the conflict escalates they come out metaphorically swinging. If the conflict is around malicious [...]
Career Development at Any Age: I didn’t plan for this!
One of the things I’m hearing more and more from people as they move into their 50’s is the phrase “I didn’t plan for my life to turn out like this”. In some [...]
Aged Care: A Career Life Transitions Perspective
Between 1946 and 1965, 5.5 million people were born in Australia, this is the Baby Boomer demography. That means that this year the first of that group are 72 years old and will be or [...]
Life after 50: Work, Attachments, Fears and Options
We’re over in Queenstown at the moment doing some skiing and snowboarding. We were up on the slopes yesterday and started chatting to an elderly gentleman, as it turns out, at 78, he had only [...]
How Can Lessons in Skydiving transfer to the Corporate World?
Few people would realise that prior to taking on the role as General Manager at Career Life Transitions I was a skydiving instructor. I have over 4000 jumps under my belt and have worked all [...]
The Changing Face of Work
At Career Life Transitions we are constantly in conversation with people searching for work and people searching for people who want work. Of late there are a number of interesting trends we’ve noticed and one [...]
Coaching: Models Can Help You Influence the World
For many years now I have used the Change Model mostly attributed to Dannemiller (but actually originally developed by David Gleicher) for wholesale change in an organisation. It looks like this: It’s a fantastic [...]
Is your Change Program Failing? Check your Leadership
Organisations are currently gripped in a whirlpool of change and chaos, for some organisations its entirely not of their own doing and almost out of their control, but for others they see the need to [...]
Who Owns the space between you?
Do you feel dominated or dominating in your interpersonal relationship. It all has to do with owning the space between you and others. What's the secret to finding equilibrium?j I have been training and teaching [...]
What is your Current Life Changing Transition?
What is your transition, we’re going through them all the time, what is yours right now? Our lives are in a constant state of change whether we like it or not. We are all transitioning [...]
Dr Susan Roberts says: